Cromwell Primary School
Molyneux Avenue
Central Otago
New Zealand
+64 3 445 0264
03 445 0238
Cromwell Primary School
Cromwell Primary School is a contributing school for new entrants to Year six students.

The school has a Decile 9 Rating with a growing roll of currently between 225-250.

Cromwell Primary School is a Visible Learning School with a motto of “Making a difference as confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners”.

The school is a Bronze Enviroschool.

The 2015 ERO Report described the school as high-performing. The school's cirriculum is highly effective, students are excited and motivated about their learning and experience high levels of success. The "Visible Learning" approach ensures students see themselves as their own teachers and as leading their learning. The cirriculum is broad and deep.
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