Sports and Recreation
National Funding
Enhanced Access Fund
Recreational access to New Zealand's lakes, beaches, rivers and mountains is an important part of what it is to be a New Zealander. The New Zealand Walking Access Commission is the Crown entity that works to enhance free, certain, enduring, and practical walking access to the outdoors for New Zealanders and overseas visitors.
The New Zealand Walking Access Commission administers a contestable fund to support projects aimed at enhancing access to New Zealand's great outdoors. This fund is known as the Enhanced Access Fund.
The first funding round of the Enhanced Access Fund was held in 2010, resulting in funding being allocated to 12 access-enhancing projects across New Zealand. Since the fund began,62 projects across the country have been awarded funding.
To find out more infomration about this fund or to download an application form, please visit the Walking Access Ara Hikoi Aotearoa website.
Local Funding
Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund
Each year, the Central Otago District Council receives a grant of $9,500 from Sport New Zealand to distribute to local junior sporting clubs and organisations. The purpose of this grant is to assist with travel to and from regular local competition.
The Travel Fund has been developed in response to concerns about the lack of participation in sport by young people living in rural communities. It was agreed by Sport and Recreation New Zealand, in consultation with territorial authorities, that a rural travel fund would be provided and be targeted at young people aged between 5-19 years.
For more information about the fund, visit the Central Otago District Council website: Sport NZ Grants or contact Judith Whyte at the Council on ph. (03) 440 0618.