Community Care Trust
C/- 5 Murray Terrace
Central Otago
New Zealand
+64 27 352 9812
Community Care Trust
Community Care Trust has supported people in Otago and Southland for many years and we are excited to be establishing ourselves in the Central Otago Lakes region. Community Care Trust support people with an intellectual disability and/or Autism.

Currently our core service focuses on people needing support in the sixteen years onward age group, with the belief that overall health and wellbeing is often better when people are being supported to do what they want to do in life.

We focus on each individual, working in partnership with them to identify their interests, their hopes and dreams for the future and how we can best support them to achieve these.

Some of the people we support are students at High Scool seeking a transition plan for life after school. We also support adults to live a life more included in the community, contributing to society like anyone else.
Support is available to develop skills to live an independent life - some of these skills may incude but are not limited to - meal planning, budgeting and joining community groups of interest. We also support people who wish to move out of the family home as well as offering assistance with finding volunteer positions, and paid emplaoyment.

We welcome enquiries and are more than happy to talk to people about the services we provide that may be of assistance to them.
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