Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) administers New Zealand’s accident compensation scheme, which provides personal injury cover for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand. In return people do not have the right to sue for personal injury, other than for exemplary damages.
ACC’s pledge: Our pledge is to prevent injury, to provide the best treatment and care if injury occurs, and to quickly rehabilitate people back to work or independence at a price that offers high value to levy payers and all New Zealanders.
ACC is a crown entity responsible for; • Preventing injury • Collecting personal injury cover levies • Determining whether claims for injury are covered by the scheme and providing entitlements to those who are eligible • Paying compensation • Buying health and disability support services to treat, care for and rehabilitate injured people • Advising government • We provide accident cover, injury prevention services, case management, medical and other care and rehabilitation services