Papa Kainga Ltd
65 Dunstan Road
Central Otago
New Zealand
+64 27 526 4259
Papa Kainga Ltd
Are you looking for high quality, affordable care and education for your Preschool child?

All our educators are hand picked for their passionate, nuturing natures and energy to work with and alongside children and their whanau.

Papa Kainga, has been derived from a passion of working with and alongside children, which is used to provide educational experiences in a rich learning environment.

With a ratio of 1 adult to 4 children we believe this creates the best learning outcomes for your child. Your educator will work in both small group sessions, and larger group session such as play groups, Kapa Haka and Mainly music.

We are locally owned and operated and have educators available in Cromwell.

Educators are supported by a qualified visiting teacher and together build an indviidual learing program tailored for each child's interest and strengths.
Papa Kainga, are approved by WINZ for childcare subsidies for those families that qualify and we are licenced to offer Government funded free 20 ECE hours for 3 and 4 year olds.

Our educators all attend regular weekly community run activites such as Kapa Haka, mini-muscles, music and dance sessions. We offer opportunities for your child to be involved in and around our community, providing physical challenges by riding bikes, balance bikes, scooters and walks to various events.


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